- King James Holy Bible
Pure Cambridge Edition, Standard Text, Large Print Text Edition
Produkt nummar: ISBN 0 907861 59 8
1500 síður
- New Age Versions
An Exhaustive Documentation Exposing the Message, Men and Manuscripts Moving Mankind to the Antichrist’s One World Religion
G.A. Riplinger
700 síður
- In Awe of thy Word
Understanding the King James Bible: It’s Mystery & History; Letter by Letter
G.A. Riplinger
1200 síður
- Hazardous Materials
Greek & Hebrew Study Dangers: The Voice of Strangers
G.A. Riplinger
1203 síður
- The Language of the King James Bible
Discover it’s Hidden Built-in Dictionary
G.A. Riplinger
173 síður
- The Revision Revised
A Refutation of Westcott and Hort’s False Greek Text and Theory: A Defence of the Authorised Version
Dean John William Burgon
549 síður
- The Answer Book
Samuel C. Gipp
164 síður
- Forever Settled
A Survey of the Documents and History of the Bible
Dr. Jack Moorman
309 síður
- Defending the King James Bible
God’s words kept intact in English
D.A. Waite
327 síður
- In Defence of the Authenticity of I. John 5:7
C.H. Pappas
125 síður
- King James, His Bible, and it’s Translators
Laurence M. Vance
164 síður
- The Local Church
Peter S. Ruckman
148 síður
- The Two Babylons
Proof the Roman Catholic beliefs came from pagan Babylonian religion
Alexander Hislop
330 síður
- 50 Years in the „Church‟ of Rome
The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest
Charles Chiniquy
366 síður
- Fox’s Book of Martyrs
The Acts and Monuments
(Les eina gamla, ikki eina uppdateraða)
John Fox
- Smokescreens
Who is the Whore of Revelation: A Biblical and Historical Answer
Jack T. Chick
- The Greatness of Oliver Cromwell
Maurice Ashley
- The Secret History of the Jesuits
Edmond Paris
- Babylon Religion
How A Babylonian godess became the virgin Mary
David W. Daniels
- Did the Catholic Church give us the Bible?
The True History of God’s Words
David W. Daniels
- History of the Waldenses
J.A. Wylie
Hartland Publications
- The Priest, the Woman, and the confessional
Charles Chiniquy
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