Hi, Steven.
I appreciate your videos a lot; however I too do have a problem with when you say, that Jews since Christ’s coming, who have not even believed the gospel and been saved, have not been lost, but are somehow in heaven. That is a lot like what priests say, that all sprinkled Catholics, Anglicans and Lutherans are in heaven, after all, Jesus’ blood was shed for them, and after all, they did come to be sprinkled, and after all, they did attend church services thrice a year.
But were they born again?
Well, down they go.
We don’t preach our feelings, but ONLY the word of God, and mostly the NEW Testament, for therein is MORE LIGHT:
So you might want to consider these well-known, yet sobering scriptures:
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for it is the power of God unto salvation
to every one that BELIEVETH;
to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
(Romans 1:16)
So Jews also must believe the gospel of Jesus Christ in order to be saved.
Unsaved people do not go to heaven, however unreasonable and unfair we might feel that is.
So you need to grow some hairs on your chest and start preaching the NEW Testament to your brethren the Jews.
They sure need to GET SAVED, or they WILL burn!
I’m not boasting against the vine, I just KNOW my stuff.
Also, Pauls writes in Romans 9:
I say the truth in Christ, I lie not,
my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,
2 that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.
3 For I could wish that myself were accursed from
Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:
4 who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption,
and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law,
and the service of God, and the promises;
5 whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning
the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. A’-men.
If Jews were saved just for being Jews, why would Paul even wish he were accursed from Christ for his brethren the Jews (in order that they might be saved), and why did he even preach to them?
You also might want to look at Hebrews chapter 2:1-5 (written to Jews) which among other things states: how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
So it is very clear that Jews, who reject the Saviour of the world, are not saved and not in heaven, for only Jesus Christ opened the way to for us to enter heaven, Moses did not.
Something sobering to think about.
You must preach faith (in Christ) and repentance and personal conversion, even to your brethren the Jews. That is true love, – and it will cost you.
Sincerely and truthfully only,
Teldupostur 2:
Are all children automatically in heaven?
That is what most will feel, without even consulting the BOOK about the matter.
Only if you can’t read and haven’t read the NEW Testament, which states:
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
(I. Cor. 7:14 KJB)
From this plain-speaking strip of Scripture, here are three VERY SIMPLE facts of logic:
1) If both parents are believing, then THE CHILDREN ARE HOLY
2) If but one of the parents are believing, then THE CHILDREN ALSO ARE HOLY
3) If both parents are unbelieving, then THE CHILDREN ARE UNCLEAN. (that is what the text plainly states. READ IT!!!, READ IT!!!)
However unreasonable and far out it may sound, children of unclean, unsaved, heathen Moslem, Bahai, Catholic, and Hindu people are unclean heathen children.
That is, if you can read 3rd grade English.
And will unclean enter into heaven? Eh?
I mean, what does UNCLEAN really mean? That they need to go take a bath? Wash their hands?
NO! Their sins are still on them, for they were BORN IN SIN!!!! (Psalm 51:5)
Feelings have NOTHING to do with the matter. Only the plain testimony of Holy Writ.
Come into the NEW Testament, brother. There’s alot more light there.
It is a SERIOUS THING to preach the word of God, and worth shouting out about, but you might want to have your facts straight before you do.
Honouring the word of God above all,
P.S. Eg eri IKKI ímóti Ísrael og Jødunum, – eg eri fullkomiliga fyri teimum, men teir mugu altso verða FRELSTIR líka sum einhvør annar.
– Ein frelstur heidningur er Jødi í anda og Guðs barn.
– Ein ófrelsur Jødi er heidningur í anda og Satans barn.
Mong hava ilt við at skilja hetta, men soleiðis hongur hetta altso saman.
Guð hevur IKKI tveir loddrættar sáttmálar koyrandi (so John Hagee kann sutta sínar súru hosir); BARA Jesus Christus er vegurin til Faðirsins.
Jødarnir, sum VRAKAÐU Jesus, vrakaðu frelsuna og eru allir farnir í helviti við allari síni synd hangandi so dyggiliga við teimum: tað sigur seg sjálvt.
Tá vuksu Paulus og Barnabas
djarvir, og søgdu, Tað var
neyðugt at orð Guðs skuldi fyrst
hava verðið talað til tykkara: men
eftir sum tit seta tað frá tykkum,
og døma tykkum sjálvar óverdugar
til ævigt-varandi lívs, sí, vit
venda okkum til Heidninganna.
( Gern. Ap. 13:45 FKJ )
ÓFRELSTIR Jødar eiga IKKI ævigt lív!!!
Eg verji ikki eingong ein “messianskan Jøda”, sum lærir falskt.
Tað hevði verið falskur “kærleiki” at gjørt tað!
EINGIN er omanfyri Guðs orð, – tað má sjálvt ein Jødi skilja.
Gott nokk ger kærleiki fólk býtt, men man nýtist ikki at missa vit og skil fyri tí um man elskar Jødarnar. Eg elski Jødarnar, tí at teir eru heimstaðið hjá Christindóminum og stamman, sum vit eru sprottin út frá, – men tað eru altso teir Jødar, sum tóku ímóti Messiasi, – hinir vórðu blindaðir … og høgdir av (sí Rom 11:17-19).
Ja: ein FRELSTUR “heidningur” er Guðs fólk – og er faktiskt ikki ein heidningur longur.
Ein ÓF
RELSTUR Jødi er ikki Guðs fólk, – men er faktiskt ein kavheiðin heidningur.
28 Tí hann er ikki Jødi, sum er
tað útvortisliga; eiheldur er tað
umskering, sum er útvortis í kjøtinum:
29 Men hann er Jødi, sum er ein
innvortisliga; og umskering er tann
av hjartanum, í andanum, og ikki
í bókstavinum; hvørs rós er ikki
av monnum, men av Guði.
( Rom. 2:28-29 FKJ )
Hvussu summi ikki skilja hetta, tað gongur væl yvir mítt skil.
Í Christi er hvørji Jødi ella heidningur; tí at skilnaðar-millumgarðurin er brotin niður í Christi (sí Eph. 2:14 FKJ).
26 Tí tit eru allir børn Guðs við
trúgv á Christ Jesus.
27 Tí so mangir av tykkum sum
eru vorðnir doyptir inn í Christ,
hava latist í Christ.
28 Har er hvørki Jødi ella Grikki,
har er hvørki trælur ella frælsur,
har er hvørki kallur ella kallinna:
tí tit eru allir eitt í Christi Jesusi.
29 Og um tit veri Christs, tá eru
tit sáð Ábrahams, og arvingar samsvarandi
við fyrijáttanina.
( Gal. 3:26-29 FKJ )
Nær verða Jødarnir so frelstir?
Tá ið teir taka ímóti Jesusi Christi sum sínum persónliga Frelsara, líka sum ein og hvør annar!
Ótrúligt, at tað skal mega greinast!
Hetta er ikki “replacement theology”, – bara common sence.
Ja, einaferð verður ALT Ísrael frelst:
25 Tí eg vildi ikki, brøður, at
tit skuldu verið óvitandi um hetta
loyndarmál, at ikki tit skuldu verið
vísir í tykkara egnu metanum;
at blindleiki lutvíst er hendur fyri
Ísrael, inntil fyllingin av Heidningunum
er komin inn.
26 Og so skal alt Ísrael verða
frelst: sum tað stendur skrivað,
Út frá Si´-on skal Útfríarin koma,
og skal venda burtur ógudiligleika
frá Jácobi:
( Rom 11:25-26 FKJ )
Og má tann dagur koma skjótt, tí sum er fara teir so gott sum allir so beint í helviti.
Skjótt verða heidninganna dagar lidnir.
Jesus kemur skjótt aftur!
P.P.S. Eg sigi ikki, at eg skilji hesar lutir til fulnar. Men eg eri ikki dómari, Guð er.