Sannleikin um hasa sjúkuna og teirra koppseting – sokallaðu

Kovid leirar í Australia. Nú verða teir brúktir til at isolera smittað, sig tey, – verða teir einaferð brúktir at „rehabilitera‟ fólk, sum sýta at “koppsetast”? Í veruleikanum er hetta eins og FEMA leirarnir í USA, sum einkið annað eru enn KONSENTRASJÓNSLEIRAR hjá vinstrahallu marxistisisku diktatorisku fasistunum hjá ST og Biden.

Írskir kovid nazistar hála konu úr húsinum, fyri ikki at hava hildið seg í karantenu

Lammað av “koppsetingini” (hon er ikki tann einasta):

Lækni í amerikanska herinum: Fleiri soldátar deyðir av koppsetini enn av kovid:


I think we do not have a pandemic at all, but a plandemic.
The virus is definitely created in a lab, with the intention of the world elite of locking the whole world down, crashing the world economy, and thereby get these three things into place: 1: A vaccination which they say makes you immune, but actually makes you sicker and sterilizes 40% of the wold population, and 2: Offer a new world economy, where you receive a mark into your right hand in order to buy or sell, and 3: pave way and establish a world government, with a world leader, who will be the last antichrist. The papacy will stop, and this world leader will be in place of the pope, who has been an antichrist the last 17 centuries. There will be put into place dictatorial laws, where if you resist the government, you will be sent to a rehabilitation camp, where you either comply, or they put you under the guillotine. Millions will resist and die. Many will flee and live in poverty, and killing and robbing will be commonplace.

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