The key to being used of God is being still; spending much quiet time with God, reading the Bible and praying. Then you will start to hear him talk to you. Then you can ask God for the privilege to be used of him in the miraculous. If he calls and draws you, having first put a hunger in your heart, you may seek to be filled with God’s power. God may deal with you in certain areas of your life, like unforgiveness or pride. The hunger for God’s power will grow in you, till you are endued with power from on high, which will be a definite event, it will happen on a given day of God’s choosing. When this happens, you will know that it is come. Upon this you will immediately be called of God to minister to individuals. At this point it is not you doing miracles, but God using you as his instrument, as it is written of the apostle Paul, how God did special miracles by his hands, and aprons and such were laid upon the sick, and they were healed. When the power of God has entered your body, you are a vessel of his power, and you cannot work these things as you yourself wish, but must be in constant prayer, and do only as God leads you, as you see God do. At this point miracles will happen. This is my testimony, and I know others who have this too. Miracles can happen instantaneously, or gradually after you have prayed and laid hands on, and when the power is present, it is not a maybe, you know and feel it in your belly, and many times also flowing out of your hands. It is the virtue which flowed out of Jesus’ body when the woman with the ussue of blood touched him. It is the power of God in or upon you. Sometimes after praying for a person, God will tell you what will happen. The genuine is not boasted of, nor is it displayed on a platform. God uses simple, childlike people, who will obey and follow him. This kind of ministry also will have an angel or angels leading the person being used, and the person being used of God will sometimes see the angel, and have him lead you to a person God wants you to minister to, on the street or go knock on a door, ask if a person there is suffering from an illness God has told you about, and with the genuine gift it will be so; you will go to the sick person, feel the power of God, lay hands on him, maybe anoint with oil, or lay a garment on him from off your body, if and as God leads. With the genuine, it is not spoken much about, and it just happens, there is a fear of offending God, if you go lightly about it. The gift is not given for you to use, the gift is being used of God, it is a pertnership with the Holy Ghost. Therefore you cannot heal whomever you will, it is as he will, and you get to be the instrument in his hand, the vessel through which he flows. Understand he who will. Mock at your own peril; but i have told you the truth. With this kind of gift one must walk very humbly with God. God bless those who would seek him for the same. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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