50 eldar í Svøríki!!!
Ikki prøva uppá at siga mær, at teir ikki eru ásettir. Og eg veit altso av hvørjum. At tú ikki kanst ella vilt innsíggja tað, er títt GUÐLEYSA problem. Tín blásta nissa.
Eg sigi uttan at blunka, at tað eru MUHAMMEDANARAR, sum seta eld á skógirnar í Svøríki, Ísrael, og USA osv.! Tað er liður í teirra JIHAD at útarma vesturheimin, fyri síðan at nørast sum rottur, og so taka yvir.
Hópneyðtøkurnar eru ein krenking av okkara stoltleika, tign og styrki.
Jamen, Sjúrður, tað er ikki “korrekt” at siga soleiðis.
—Sannleikin er altíð korrektur; og hetta er sannleikin. Og nú svíður hann hjá Sviðum. Men heldur tú, at teir innsíggja sannleikan? Nei, teir eru forblindaðir av vinstrahallum tossum, múlabundin av teirra propaganda.
Tey, sum vilja bjóða ISLAM vælkomnum til Føroya, skuldu dømast sum landssvíkjarar, fraktast til Saudi Arabia, og lorast beint niður á Chop Chop Square.
Viðmerking til eini 8-10 video:
DO NOT attempt to tell me that these FIFTY fires have natural causes. This has no previous ensample. THESE FIRES ARE ISLAMIC ARSON, as were the fires in Israel and California etc., etc. You can thank the GODLESS lefties for this. Your GOD-FORSAKEN countries, which bless SODOMY, can expect this to be the norm from now on. Yes, they just walk into a dry forest and set it ablase. Forest after forest after forest. Your countries are now FULL of people who HATE YOUR GUTS!!!. They are those who cry: ALLAH AKBAR on your streets, after they rape your daughters, and cut your people’s throats for breaking muslim laws. And you are so STUPID that you will rather call me HITLER, than confront the real problem, which is ISLAM!!!!!!! Islam is a murderous totalitarian regime, trying to take over the world. It has NOTHING to do with peace!!. That is just the plain truth of the matter. And they will crush your GOD-FORSAKEN countries. It is because you have forsaken the true and living God, the God of the Holy Bible. And now judgment is coming: rape, pillage, and burning. You have invited the enemy in amongst you, and they are destroying you from within. Repent, turn to the true and living God, put your faith again upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and pray God for forgiveness, and he will once again be your shield. Then expel the enemy, every one of them. But none of this you will do, for you have left your wits, and are bewitched.