ALLIR muslimar, sum klekjast fult út í teirra Koran trúgv, verða til mordarar: PLO, Al Qaida, ISIS, IS, ISIL, Sjia, Sjaria-kjopp, Jihad, Hamas osv. ALS og ALDEILIS ikki soleiðis við okkum Bíbliu fylgjarum!!

Eg tilogni hetta innslagið til hasa Sjaria-mýkingar-miðstøðina, KVF; serliga til handan nossaleysa kaliffin, Heina uppi í Skoruni, sum sleikir fyri Palestinarum, og kallar hóp-mordarar sum Andrass Breiðvík kristnar.  Altso, vaks maðurin upp í Irak?

Hygg eftir øllum terrorist bólkum >
(NÓGV, NÓGV, NÓGV teir flestu eru muslimar)

There is NO SUCH THING as the “palestinian nation”, nor has there ever been. They are arab nomads, who NEVER had their own capital, their own language, their own currency, their own religion, nor their own language. They are simply arabs, and could live ANYWHERE in ANY arab country with heads in the sand and their bums in the air.

Palestinians are Philistines, who never were a nation, but an arab tribe, wandering aimlessly around in the sand.

When the Jews came back home, Israel was a wilderness, with a few arabs lazily sitting around in the sand with towels upon their heads. The land has blossomed since the rightful owners thereof came back (the Jews), just as God said would happen in the prophecies of the Holy Bible.

The JEWISH people are an ANCIENT DISTINCT PEOPLE dating back 4000 years, with their own language, their own currency, their own religion, their own language, and now again their own capital JERUSALEM, which is and will be forever the city of the great King Jesus Christ.

Praise the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Jesus Christ our Lord and coming King.

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